All participants must register here to attend this event.
The registration page will be closed on 10th May.
IEE of Japan, IEEE PELS, IEEE IAS, and PPEJ provides a fruitful opportunity to mingle, interact, and communicate with young and senior members from all over the world!
This meeting is an official event of IPEC 2018- ECCE Asia and jointly hosted by the Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan (IEEJ), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), and Ph. D. Candidates of Power Electronics in Japan (PPEJ). You are invited to join this event to communicate with the young members including students, young engineers, and young professors from across the globe, and learn from the life journey of the biggest leaders in power electronics at IPEC 2018 – ECCE Asia. This event consists of the following two parts.
This event is free and open to all students, young professionals, and engineers.
There are two sessions in the Daytime meeting. The first session is presentation and discussion based on an anonymous survey of students in the power electronics field. All the participants have answered for the questionnaire about own research environment, laboratory, a requirement for Ph. D. degree, and so on in advance, a student from PPEJ, Japan will present the summary of the questionnaire. The second session is a laboratory showcase with light lunch. 20 poster presenters from across the globe will provide the detailed information of own laboratory life. All the participants will have fun to discuss with Japanese light meal eating. Finally, the representatives of PELS, IAS, and IEEJ will give us short addresses.
In the evening after the welcome reception of IPEC 2018 at TOKI MESSE, a social and networking event will be held in KURANOMA, Japanese traditional IZAKAYA/pub/restaurant near Niigata station. It will especially be filled with distinguished speeches, meeting new power electronics peers, learning about the best practices in industry and academia, and having loads of fun with complimentary drinks and snacks.
Let's enjoy IZAKAYA (Japanese Pub/Restaurant) and build up the research networks!
Looking forward to meeting you in Niigata !!
Poster Submit Deadline: End of April, 2018
Submission method of poster data will be announced at a later date in this page.
Please proceed the following step1 and step2, if you want to participate on this event
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.