Plenary speakers
Speaker: Mr. Koji Kawakita (Chubu Electric Power Grid, Japan)
Title: The Role of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Technologies in Electric Energy Systems to Support the Creation of a Sustainable Society

Speaker: Prof. Dr. -Ing. Stefan Tenbohlen (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Title: Condition Assessment of Power Transformers by UHF PD Measurements

Speaker: Prof. Jianying Li (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Title: Anomalous decreasing power loss of ZnO varistor ceramics during the dc aging: phenomena, insights and perspectives

Speaker: Prof. Yong Joo Kim (Chung Ang University, Korea)
Title: Application of Machine Learning Technique and Sweep Frequency Response Analysis to Classify StatorWinding Insulation Defects

Speaker: Mr. Sarajit Banerjee (Kinectrics, Canada)
Title: TBD

Contact to conference secretariat:
Dr. Yuta Makino:
c/o Grid Innovation Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
2-6-1 Nagasaka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 240-0196, Japan