国際会議カレンダー 1999519日更新)

June, 1999

1999 American Control Conference
June 2 - 4, 1999 / San Diego, CA, USA 
《論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 1, 1998
Professor Stephen Yurkovich
Dept. of EE, The Ohio State University
2015 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1272
(614) 292-2586, (614) 292-7596 (FAX)
E-mail: s.yurkovich@ieee.org
Home page: http://www.marquette.edu/acc1999 
The 1999 Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC)
Sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society
 June 27- July 1, 1999 / Charleston Place Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina, USA 
 Abstract and Digest to be received: September 15, 1998
#Authors notified of acceptance: January 15, 1999
#Deadline for submission of camera-ready manuscript: April 1, 1999
Submit abstracts with digests to:
Robert Myers, IEEE PESC '99, 3685 Motor Ave., Ste. 240, Los Angeles, CA 90034-5750 USA


14th World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control
July 5-9, 1999 / Beijing P. R. China
IFAC'99 IPC Secretariat
Prof. Jifeng Zhang
Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100080, P. R. China
Phone: (8610)62532161, Fax: (8610)62587343
E-mail: ifac99@iss03.iss.ac.cn
The 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 
July 12-16, 1999 / Bled, Slovenia 
《論文要旨提出期日:Dec. 1, 1998
Send summary to:
Prof. Kouhei Ohnishi
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohamashi, 223 Japan
Phone: +81 45 563 1141, Fax: +81 45 562 7625
E-mail: ohnishi@sum.elec.keio.ac.jp
Home page: http://www.ro.feri.uni-mb,si/ISIE99/ 

IASTED International Conference Control and Applications
Sponsor: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
July 25-30, 1999/ Banff, Canada
《論文要旨提出期日:March 1, 1999
For further information, please contact: 
IASTED Secretariat CA'99
#80, 4500-16 Avenue N.W.
Calgary, AB CANADA T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195  Fax: 403-247-6851
E-mail: calgary@iasted.com
Home page: http://www.iasted.com

Aug., 1999

The Third Chinese International Conference On Electrical Machines
Aug. 27 - 31, 1999 / Xi'an, P.R. China
《論文要旨提出期日:Oct. 31, 1998
Mr. Yan Zhian, Mr. Liu Xinzheng
CICEM'99 Secretariat
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an 710049, P.R. China
Tel : +86-29-3268623, Fax: +86-29-3237910
E-mail: dlchen@sun20.xjtu.edu.cn

The IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives
Sept. 1-3, 1999 / Gij oacuten, Spain
《論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 30, 1998
Secretariat: Gonzalo Alonso Orcajo
E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales e Inform ticos
de Gij oacuten
Campus de Viesques s/n 33204 Gij oacuten - Asturias, Spain
Phone: +34-8-5182140, Fax: +34-8-5182453, 5182138
E-mail: sdemped99@ate.uniovi.es
Home page:http://www.ate.uniovi.es/gime/sdemped.html
8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
Sep. 7-9, 1999 / Lausanne, Switzerland
《論文要旨提出期日:Oct. 9, 1998
Send synopses to:
Brigitte Sneyers
EPE'99 Conference Secretariat, EPE Association
Pleinlann 2
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Home page: http://dewww.epfl.ch/epe99 
1999 14th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
Sept. 15-17, 1999/ Cambridge, MA
《論文提出期日:February 16,1999
Technical Cosponsor: IEEE Control Systems Society
INFORMATION CONTACT: Professor Mieczyslaw M. Kokar
 ECE Dept., Northeastern University
 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA  02115
 (617) 373-4849, (617) 373-8970 (FAX) kokar@coe.neu.edu
Home page: http://watnow.uwaterloo.ca/~karray/tcic.html
1999 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
Sept. 19-22, 1999/ Atlanta, GA, USA
《論文提出期日:March 1, 1999
Co-sponsored by: IEEE, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE Robotics and 
Automation Society, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
 George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engrg.
 Georgia Inst. of Technology
 MARC Bldg., Rm. 474, Atlanta, GA  30332-0405
 (404) 894-7402, (404) 894-9342 (FAX),
Home page: http://www.me.gatech.edu/AIM99
10-27 VTC Fall '99
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
Sept. 19-22, 1999 / Amsterdam, The Netherlands
《論文要旨提出期日:March 1, 1999
Conference secretariat
c/o EUROCONGRES Conference Management
J. van Goyenkade 11, NL-1075 HP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Fax : +31-20-6737306, Phone : +31-20-6793411
E-mail : VTC@eurocongres.co
10-30ISARC '99
16th IAARC/IFAC/IEEE International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in 
Sept. 22-24, 1999/ Madrid, SPAIN
《論文提出期日:January 11, 1999
 Escuela Politicnica Superior, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid
 C/ Butarque 15, Leganis 28911 Madrid, SPAIN
 (34)-91-624-94-30 (FAX), isarc99@ing.uc3m.es
Home page: http://www.uc3m.es/isarc99

Oct. 1999

1999 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting
Oct.3-7 Phoenix, Arizona, USA
《論文提出期日:January 15, 1999
Technical Program Chair:C.A.Ferreira
Northrop Grumman Corporation
E-mail: c.ferreira@ieee.org
Home page: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/
The 16th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
Oct. 13-16, 1999 / Beijing, China
Inquiry: EVS-16 Secretariat
46 Sanline Road, P. O. Box 2133
Beijing 100823 China
Phone: 8610-6859-4929, Fax: 8610-6851-1242
E-mail: cesintl@public.bta.net.cn
10-32SM**IC'99 TOKYO
The 3rd Small Motors and Servo Motors International Conference
Oct. 19-22, 1999/Tokyo Big Sight
《論文要旨提出期日:Dec.1, 1998
Please send abstracts to:
Prof. Yuji Akiyama: SMIC'99 general chairperson and secretariat
Kanagawa Inst. of Technology
1030, Shimo-ogino, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 243-0292, Japan
Tel:+81-462-41-1211, Fax:+81-462-42-3737
E-mail: akiyama@ele.kanagawa-it.ac.jp
World Congress on Railway research
Oct. 19-23, 1999/ Tokyo Japan
《論文要旨提出期日:Jan. 10, 1999
Please send abstracts to:
WCRR'99 Congress Secretariat, RTRI
2-8-38, Hikari-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, 185-8540, Japan
Tel +81-42-580-6481, Fax +81-42-580-6482
E-mail wcrr99@rtri.or.jp
Home page: http://www.rtri.or.jp/wcrr99/

Nov. 1999

The 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Sponsored by: The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Technically co-sponsored by: The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE) 
Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 1999 / Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA, USA
<<Deadline for submission of full papers: April 15, 1999>>
General Chairman: Michael W. Condry, Sun Microsystems, USA 
Send all papers to: IEEE-IECON'99 
Attn: Vita Feuerstein 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA                              
Phone: +1-732-562-6826  
Fax: +1-732-981-1203  
E-mail: iecon99@ieee.org
Call for papers:  http://isl.cs.virginia.edu/iecon99/ 

Mar., 2000

6th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control
Sponsored by: IEEE-IES, SICE, Nagoya Institute of Technology
March 30-April 1, 2000/ Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan 
<<Deadline for Submission of Paper Summaries: October 15 (Fri), 1999>>
Prof. Nobuyuki Matsui, General Chairperson 
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng. 
Nagoya Institute of Technology 
Gokiso, Showa, Nagoya, 466-8555, Japan 
Tel: +81-52-735-5420 
Fax: +81-52-735-5442 
E-mail: matsui@elcom.nitech.ac.jp
AMC2000 Secretariate
E-mail: secret@amc2000.elcom.nitech.ac.jp
Home page: http://amc2000.elcom.nitech.ac.jp/

Apr., 2000

9-44IPEC-Tokyo 2000
International Power Electronics Conference 
April 3-7, 2000 / Tokyo, Japan 
<<論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 15, 1999>>
Sponsored by: IEE Japan
Organizing Committee Chairperson: Prof. Kouki Matuse
Department of Electrical Engineering, Meiji University
Higashi-Mita, Tama, Kawasaki, 214 Japan
Phone and Fax: +81-44-934-7293
E-mail: matsuse@isc.meiji.ac.jp
Steering Committee Chairperson: Prof.Kouhei Ohnishi,
Phone:045-563-1141ext.3353, Fax:045-562-7625,
E-mail: ohnishi@sum.elec.keio.ac.jp
Home page: http://www.iee.or.jp/ias/ipec/index.html 

11-1ICRA 2000
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Apr. 24-28, 2000/ Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, CA
 《論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 15, 1999
Professor Oussama Khatib
Dept. of CS, Stanford Univ. Stanford, CA  94505
Phone: 650-725-9753, fax: 650-725-1449
E-mail: icra2000@robotics.stanford.edu

June, 2000

11-2PESC 2000
IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference 2000
Jun. 18-23, 2000/ University College, Galway, Ireland
 《論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 1, 1999 (3月中旬決定) 
Mr. Robert Myers
3685 Motor Ave., Suite 240, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: 310-287-1463, Fax: 310-287-1851
E-mail: bob.myers@ieee.org
11-3ACC 2000
American Control Conference 2000
Jun. 28-30, 2000/ Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL
 《論文要旨提出期日:Sept. 15, 1999
Professor A. Galip Ulsoy
Dept. of ME&AM, Univ. of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Phone: 734-764-8464, Fax: 734-647-3170
E-mail: ulsoy@umich.edu

July, 2000
The 3rd Asian Control Conference
July 4-7, 2000/ Shanghai, China
 《論文要旨提出期日:Oct. 1, 1999
Dr. Jian-Bo Su, The Secretariat of the ASCC'2000
c/o Department of Automation
Shanghai Jiaaotong University, Shanghai, 200030, China
Phone: 86-21-62812114, Fax: 86-21-62812045
E-mail: sectretariat@ascc2000.sjtu.edu.cn

Aug., 2000
Third International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference
Aug. 15-18, 2000/ Tsingua University, Beijing, China
 《論文要旨提出期日:Oct. 31, 1999
Dr. Xiaohua Jiang
IPEMC'2000, Department of Electrical Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijin, 100084, P.R.China
Phone: 86-10-62782296, Fax: 86-10-62783057
E-mail: IPEMC@@wrs.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn

Sep., 2000

11-6CCA/CACSD 2000
IEEE CCA/CACSD Joint - Control Applications
/Computer Aided Control Systems Design
Sep. 25-27, 2000/ Anchorage Hilton, Anchorage, AK
 《論文要旨提出期日:Jan. 15, 2000
Professor Pradeep Misra
RC-311, Electrical Engrg., Wright State Univ.
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH  45435-0001
Phone: 937-775-5062, Fax: 937-775-5009
E-mail: p.misra@ieee.org

Oct., 2000

11-7IEEE-IAS 2000
35th IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting
October 8-12, 2000/ Roma, Italy
 <<論文要旨提出期日:Nov. 30, 1999>>
Organized by: AEI, IEEE-IEEE-IAS
Co-sponsored by: IEE, IEEJ, IEEE-PELS
Organising Secretariat
AEI-Ufficio Centale
Piazzale R.Morandi 2-20121 Milamo
Phone: +39-02-77790205-218
Fax: +39-02-798817
E-mail: ias2000@aei.it

Home page:http://engine.ieee.org/conference/conflinks.html



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