Power Electronics for Sustainable Society

Illustrated by Mikihiko Matsui

Date: June 21-24
Venue: Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo Japan


What's New

2010.06.10 EV Exhibition will be held during the conference by TOYOTA corp. and NISSAN corp.
Plug-in Hybrid Car - Prius and Pure EV - Leaf (Structure mock-up) will be exhibited in the main hall.

Final Program is uploaded.

Conference Program is updated.

Conference site information is updated in VENUE and ACCESS.

2010.06.04Technical Tours and Spouse Tour have been cancelled. Family Coffee Meeting will be held for accompanying persons on June 22, 10am in Main Hall.
2010.06.03Presentation Instruction has been revised. Please re-confirm in details before presenting.
2010.06.01 Social Programs' page is updated.
2010.05.26Programs in detail are now available.
2010.05.25Presentation Instructions are now available.
2010.05.20 Program at a Glance is available.
2010.04.19 Tour information is available. Do sign up now for technical & spouse tours and touch the local knowledge of Sapporo.
2010.04.13 The deadline for final manuscript is extended to April 19, 2010.
2010.03.09 IPEC Takahashi Power Electronics Award is now calling for entry.
2010.03.09 Online submission for final manuscript is opened. (Deadline is April 12.)
2009.12.1 The deadline for Extended Summary (Regular Sessions) is again postponed to December 4 (Friday), 2009.
2009.11.12The deadline for Extended Summary(Regular Sessions) is postponed to November 30, 2009.

On-line Submission Form for One-page Abstract (Organized Sessions) is started.


List of Organized Sessions are updated in Conference Program.

2009.10.29Plenary Session, Industrial Seminar & Banquet information on Conference Program is updated.
2009.09.24On-line Submission Form for Extended Summary is now open.
2009.09.10General & Tourist information on Sapporo/Hokkaido is updated.
Area Map, Transportation Guide and Floor Map for the Convention Center is now available.
Room assignment for sessions is to be announced in future.
2009.09.09Website has been updated!
Overview, Access and Venue have been added.
Sponsorship has been opened.
Click here to get involved with IPEC-Sapporo 2010!
2009.03.01Opening of the website.

On-site Secretariat Office
Please reach us at the following on-site Secretariat during the conference.
Tel: 011-815-6242   FAX: 011-815-6243

Platinum Sponsors

  • Mitsubishi Electric Global Website

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor