
【委員長】 末松安晴(国立情報学研究所)

【副委員長】 柳父 悟(東京電機大学)

【幹事】 高橋正雄(東芝) 福井千尋(日立製作所)

【幹事補佐】 圓岡才明(東芝) 戸田明男(三菱電機)


【日時】 平成19年1月15日(月)13:00~17:30

【場所】 電気学会第1~5会議室

     (東京都千代田区五番町6-2 HOMAT HORIZONビル8階 TEL:03-3221-7313)


【主催】 電気学会電気技術史技術委員会

【共催】 映像情報メディア学会 照明学会 情報処理学会 電子情報通信学会


【議題】 技術交流の歴史および電気技術史一般
                                         座長 原口芳徳(東京電力)
 HEE-07-1  International Joint Study Programme for Technology Interaction
                                   -How It Works-
                                         Arakawa Fumio (Global Engineering Institute, Inc)

The paper reviews current activities of the Investigation Committee of International Joint Study for History of Technology Interaction (IC/HTI) organized in the Technical Committee for History of Electrical Egineering (HEE) in IEEJ (Institutee of Electrical Engineers of Japan) to discuss the further study needed for the perspective of its activity. Referring preparatory discussion on Technology Transfer in the Maui Meeting and ICEE (International Conference on Electrical Engineering), the paper introduces framework of International Joint Study Programme for History of Technology Interaction (IJSP/HTI) on the base of decision made in HEE It concludes the discussion with the view that the success of IC/HTI will promote the history study of, by and for the electro engineers, establishing the framework of international joint study programme for history study of electrical engineering in the world as a global contribution by IEEJ.

 HEE-07-2  技術交流の歴史に関する調査研究の現状
 HEE-07-3  大学改革におけるマサチューセッツ工科大学と東京工業大学の交流
       Intellectual exchange on university reforms: 1930’s reform on the Massachusetts Institute
            of Technology and the postwar reform on the Tokyo Institute of Technology
                                    Daishi Okada (Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies)

This article attempts to show the connection between the postwar university reforms in Japan and those of the U.S during the interwar period. In the 1930s, Massachusetts Institute of Technology had reformed its education programs and become an advanced science and engineering university. At Tokyo tech, some faculty members visited MIT and learned about the MIT curricula in chemical engineering at the very time when MIT has just completed its major reform program.

 HEE-07-4   電気機械工業の技術交流の歴史について
 HEE-07-5   マレーシアのAV企業・設計開発(R&D)部門の拡大発展に向けて
 HEE-07-6   わが国最古の国産誘導電動機の調査

