LDIA1998 Awards
Best Paper of the Oral Session
Dr. RUSKOWSKI, Martin, Popp, K.(Universitat Hannover, Germany)
ML-3 "Adaptive Levitation Control of a Linear Maglev Guide for Machine Tools"
Dr. YAMAMOTO, Akio (The University of Tokyo, Japan),
Niino, T.(The Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan), Higuchi, T.(The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
LM-7 "A High-Power Electrostatic Linear Servo Motor"
Best Paper of the Poster Session
Dr. WANG, Jiabin, Wang, W., Jewell, G.W., Howe, D.(University of Sheffield, UK)
LM-10 "A Linear Reciprocating Generator for Telemetry-Based Monitoring Systems"
Dr. OHASHI, Shunsuke (Kansai University, Japan), Ohsaki, H., Masada, E.(The University of Tokyo, Japan)
ML-12 "Stabilizing the Motion of the Superconducting Magnetically Levitated Train against Coil Quenching"