Manuscript Format

Manuscript format for Paper which will be submitted to the workshop (hereinafter referred to as gPaper and Articleh) is designated in this chapter.

1. Manuscript Preparation

In principle, all manuscript should be prepared using LaTeX style file or MS-Word Template for the IEEJ SAMCON. The IEEJ LaTeX Style File and MS-Word Template are available for downloading from the IEEJ SAMCON official website. Please ensure the described below when preparing the manuscript using the IEEJ LaTeX Style File or MS-Word Template.

  1. Figures and photographs should be electronically included in the manuscript.
  2. The IEEJ LaTeX Style file and MS-Word Template distributed should not be modified.

2. Manuscript Structure

Manuscript should consist of the following contents in the order as specified below. Please format a manuscript in reference to Appendix 1.

  1. Title
  2. Name of the author and the IEEJ membership category of each author
  3. Abstract (Paper and Technical Note: 150 to 200 words, Letter: 100 words.)
  4. Keywords
  5. Clear statement that the paper or article has been previously published (only when necessary.)
  6. Author affiliation and contact information
  7. Text
  8. Acknowledgment (Only in case of necessity.)
  9. Reference
  10. Appendix (Only in case of necessity.)

3. Keywords

Select and supply six or less keywords that represent the theme of paper and article. Words should be selected following the criteria below.

  1. Select words or phrases with specific meanings.
  2. Use nouns.
  3. Abbreviations should be limited to those used and understood extensively in Japan and elsewhere.
    (New words coined by the author should not be used.)
  4. Compound words should be limited to commonly used terms.

4. Writing the Main Text

Text should be organized in the following order.

Chapter: 1. Heading
Section: 1.1 Sub-heading

5. References

  1. References should include not only the author's own papers but the works of paper and article written by others, and ensure that appropriate and sufficient list of bibliography is provided. Authors cannot attach any reference material that are related to content of the paper and article at submission.
  2. All references should be numbered and listed at the end of the main text, and the numbers should be noted in the main text with a parenthesized number in superscript, where the reference is made in the main text.
  3. Committee reports and in-house reports not available to public should not be included in the references.
  4. Paper and article under submission should not be quoted.
  5. Reference should be stated in the following manner.

Name of the author(s): "Title", Name of Publication, Volume, Number, Page (Year and Month of Publication) Include all the authorfs names in full. Try to avoid abbreviating the title.

6. Figures, Photographs, and Tables

  1. Figures, photographs and tables should be prepared according to Appendix 2.
  2. Captions for figures and photographs should be placed directly below the figures or photographs.
    (It is unacceptable without caption as only "Fig. 1.") Table captions should be placed directly above the table.
    (It is unacceptable without legend as only "Table 1.")
  3. All legend in figure, photographs and tables must be in English.
  4. Figures, photographs and tables should be serially numbered.
  5. The size and position of figures, photographs and tables inserted should be clearly legible to the readers and position them at the tops and bottoms of columns. Avoid placing them in the middle of columns.
  6. When a figure does not fill the full column width, do not use the remaining space for text.