Invited and Special Sessions

Invitation to submit a Invited/Special Session Proposal:

In order to provide a site of debate for new and important topics, participants of SAMCON2019 are encouraged to organize an Invited Session and a Special Session. The papers in the Invited/Special Session should have 6 pages. The session can include one invited paper with 2 or 4 pages (intended for participants from industry). Prospective organizers are invited to submit their proposals by sending an application form to the Invited/Special Session Chairs.

The format of Invited/Special Session Proposal can be downloaded at : Format of IS and SS

The e-mail addresses of the Invited/Special Session Chairs are as follows:

Prof. Hiroshi Igarashi Tokyo Denki University h.igarashi ( )
Prof. Kazuaki Ito Gifu University kazu_it ( )

To send an e-mail, please replace ( ) with @ in the e-mail address.

Invited Session 1 (IS1)

Title:"Recent Theory and Application in Motion Control"

Tadanao Zanma, Chiba University

Invited Session 2 (IS2)

Title:"Assistive Robotics"

Genci Capi, Hosei University
Kazuhisa Mitobe, Yamagata University

Special Session 1 (SS1)

Title:"Intelligent Sensing, Monitoring, and Diagnosis for Human Support Systems"

Prof. Naoki Motoi, Kobe University
Prof. Hiroshi Igarashi, Tokyo Denki University
Prof. Tomoaki Kashiwao, Kindai University
Prof. Hidetoshi Oya, Tokyo City University

Special Session 2 (SS2)

Title:"Modeling and Control for High Precision Motion Control Systems"

Kenta Seki, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Takenori Atsumi, Chiba Institute of Technology
Hiroshi Fujimoto, The University of Tokyo

Special Session 3 (SS3)

Title:"Advanced Techniques in Real World Haptics"

Toshiaki Tsuji, Saitama University
Yuki Yokokura, Nagaoka University of Technology

Special Session 4 (SS4)

Title:"Advanced Control in Motion Control, Power Electronics, and Industrial Applications"

Prof. Shihua Li, Southeast University