International Conference Information

We have announced information on international conferences, symposiums, and workshops to Members and non-Members on our web site in Japanese language. Please let us know information on your conferences through the following form. Not only IEEJ sponsored conference but also non-sponsored one will also be accepted.
                  (e.g. IPEC-Sapporo 2010)
Conference Name:  
                  (e.g. International Power Electronics Conference)
Conference Date:  
                  (e.g.  2010/06/21-24) Use YYYY/MM/DD format.
Digest Deadline:  
                  (e.g. 2009/11/16) Use YYYY/MM/DD format.
Conference Place: 
                  (e.g. Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
Conference URL:   
Brief comment:    
                  (e.g. One of the ECCE-Asia Conferences. Power electronics, )

Your name: Institution: Conference committee name is better if you are a member. Your email:

©2009 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan