Invited and Special Sessions

Invitation to submit a Invited/Special Session Proposal:

In order to provide a site of debate for new and important topics, participants of SAMCON2023 are encouraged to organize an Invited Session and a Special Session. The papers in the Invited/Special Session should have 6 pages. The session can include one invited paper with 2 or 4 pages (intended for participants from industry). Prospective organizers are invited to submit their proposals by sending an application form to the Invited/Special Session Chairs.

The format of Invited/Special Session Proposal can be downloaded at Format of IS and SS

The e-mail addresses of the Invited/Special Session Chairs are as follows:

Prof. Masahide Ito Aichi Prefectural University masa-ito ( )

To send an e-mail, please replace ( ) with @ in the e-mail address.

Invited Session 1 (IS1)

Title:"Emerging and Breakthrough Research for Developing Motion Control Technology"

Prof. Kenji Natori, Chiba University, knatori()
Prof. Shota Yabui, Tokyo City University, yabuis()
Prof. Yoshiyuki Urakawa, Nippon Institute of Technology, urakawa.yoshiyuki()

Invited Session 2 (IS2)

Title:"Modeling and Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Servo Systems"

Prof. Shubo Wang, School of Automation, Qingdao University, wangshubo1130()
Prof. Jing Na, Kunming University of Science and Technology, najing25()
Prof. Qiang Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology, sdnjchq()

Special Session 1 (SS1)

Title:"Motion Control for High-functional Mechatronic Systems"

Prof. Shota Yabui, Tokyo City University, yabuis()
Prof. Kenji Natori, Chiba University, knatori()
Prof. Takenori Atsumi, Chiba Institute of Technology, takenori.atsumi()

Special Session 2 (SS2)

Title:"Intelligent Sensing Applications for Human Assistive Systems"

Prof. Shin-ichi Ito, Tokushima University, s.ito()
Prof. Masahide Ito, Aichi Prefectural University, masa-ito()
Prof. Naoki Motoi, Kobe University, motoi()

Special Session 3 (SS3)

Title:"Haptics and Data Robotics"

Prof. Seiichiro Katsura, Keio University, katsura()
Dr. Issei Takeuchi, Abstech, issei()
Prof. Sho Sakaino, University of Tsukuba, sakaino()

Special Session 4 (SS4)

Title:"Advanced motion control methods for modern mechatronics systems"

Prof. Junxiao Wang, Zhejiang University of Technology, wjx2017()
Prof. Huiming Wang, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, wanghm()
Prof. Shihong Ding, Jiangsu University, dsh()

Special Session 5 (SS5)

Title:"Intelligent Control and Its Application in Complex Electromechanical Systems"

Prof. Jinpeng Yu, Qingdao University, yjp1109()